Embark on a thrilling riding odyssey, conquering the open road astride the esteemed Rebel 300 – an extraordinary gateway adorned with captivating bobber aesthetics. Meticulously crafted to be beginner-rider friendly this impeccable machine seamlessly blends an iconic blacked-out design with approachable performance that makes for a small-displacement bike that is fun for all riders. Embrace the freedom to express your true self with all-new mesmerizing colors for 2024, as this two-wheeled blank canvas becomes a beacon of your individuality. Discover your dreams on the Rebel 300 and ignite a path of unbridled two-wheeled passion.
Features may include:
The Rebel is a blank canvas for your self-expression and customization. But unlike the canvas you buy at the art store, this one’s not boring white. As is, its blacked-out engine pieces, frame, and bodywork elements look great during the day and even better at night.
When it comes to seat heights, almost everyone likes them lower, and the Rebel has one of the lowest seats out there. It’s comfortable when you ride, and it makes it easier to flat-foot it at stoplights or in parking lots.
This is technology first developed and perfected in Honda racing machines. The slipper/assist clutch means you get a lighter clutch pull at the lever, but a solid lockup when you release the lever and apply power. It’s technology that reduces clutch effort at the bar by about 30 percent.
At Honda, we’re famous for our engines, and we’ve given the Rebel 300 a great one. First, the facts: it’s a single-cylinder with fuel injection, double-overhead cams and a counterbalancer. Because it’s a single, it’s light and super narrow, which helps reduce the overall bike’s weight. It also offers the kind of torque and midrange power that’s well suited for all levels of riders.